What are the different rights / roles in the Honestly account?

What does each role enable you to do? Here's a guide to all user's rights/roles within the account

There are five different roles in the Honestly system:
  1. Respondee
  2. Report viewer
  3. Analyst 
  4. Manager 
  5. Admin


Click here to see the structure of the permission system for all roles.

What distinguishes each of these roles from the others?


Respondees do not have any access to the web-application. They can receive surveys and take part in them via the web (email link) or our Engage App.


Report viewer:

Can only see specific results (if a dashboard is assigned to them/they have been assigned a particular employee attribute).

A Report viewer can:

  • View dashboards in these two cases:
    1. They were directly assigned to one
    2. The assigned roles match their role
    3. The dashboard is accessible to all employees
  • Access all response data from surveys they have access to and employees they have access to
  • View / Create / Edit own initiatives
  • Take part in surveys


Can create dashboards, analyse the data and export it too.

Their job is to analyse the survey data. They can do everything that managers can, but cannot access any of the survey settings, create surveys, nor can they send out surveys.

An Analyst can:

  • Create dashboards
  • Edit / delete own dashboards
  • View dashboards in these cases
    1. They were directly assigned to one
    2. The assigned roles match their role
    3. They created it themselves
    4. The dashboard is accessible to all employees
  • View / create / edit their own initiatives
  • Create and download their own exports
  • Take part in surveys


Have the same rights as Analysts but can also create, edit and send surveys, plus analyse those results. 

A Manager can:

  • Add surveys
    • Distribute those surveys to all employees individually or based on attribute values they have access to
  • View/ edit/ delete own surveys
  • View & edit surveys created by others as long as they've been given access to them
  • Add dashboards
  • Edit / delete own dashboards
  • Create & download own exports
  • View dashboards in these cases
    1. They were directly assigned to one
    2. The assigned roles match their role
    3. They created it themselves
    4. The dashboard is accessible to all employees
  • See / Create / Edit own initiatives
  • Create and download own exports
  • Take part in the survey


Have the same rights as Managers, but can additionally view and adjust the settings for surveys for all group information. They can also access the data of all group information via the evaluation portal and upload employee records.

Admins are the highest role we have in our system.

Admins can:

  • See/ add/ edit/ delete employees and change their permissions
  •  See/ add/ edit/ delete all surveys
    • Distribute surveys to employees individually, based on attribute values or all at once
  • See / Add / Edit / Delete all dashboards in the account
    • Grant access to dashboards
  • Access all response data from all employees
  • See / Create / Edit own initiatives
  • Change Account Settings
  • Create and download own exports
  • Take part in the survey

Admins should only be a few of the employees in total. In a perfect world, this is only one person per account, but in large accounts, this might also be more.


Managers and Analysts can be restricted to individual group information (technical option in the system), for example, they are only given access to the data from one department, location or department. 

You can define which groups or staff data new Managers and Analysts are allowed to access. 

Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 21.19.07

Important: For this, you must of course have defined groups in advance, such as "Locations", "Departments", etc. 

There is another unofficial role in the system that does not really count as one of the others, but is mentioned here nonetheless. All employees uploaded into the system without a fixed role, will automatically be considered "Respondees" and only have the possibility to participate in the survey without gaining access to the system.


You may find this article about limiting access to the current survey's data interesting.