Is My Dashboard Data Always Up-to-Date?

Understanding caching and performance is key to balancing timely data access with efficient dashboard performance, ensuring you receive swift and relevant information.

In a world where real-time data is increasingly crucial, Honestly seeks a balance between providing up-to-date information and ensuring a swift, responsive user experience. This article delves into our approach to data caching in order to enhance dashboard performance, while keeping you informed about the currency of the data you're using.


What is Data Caching?

Data caching is a technique where dashboard data is temporarily stored in a more accessible location. This stored data, refreshed - in our case - every 10 minutes, facilitates quicker access and reduces loading times, enhancing the dashboard's overall performance. It's important to note that the cache is not automatically refreshed; it only updates when a user makes a new request that results in a cacheable data set.

The Impact of User-Based Caching

Our caching strategy is customised for each user, i.e., we cache chart responses on a per-user basis. This means the data you see may be up to 10 minutes old, reflecting a balance between real-time accuracy and performance efficiency. For instance, data accessed by one user at a particular time might be cached and displayed until the next refresh interval 10 minutes later, which could differ for another user accessing similar data. Furthermore, we've implemented a mechanism to invalidate the cached chart response when a chart is edited, ensuring that any modifications are accounted for promptly.

Dynamic Caching Based on Filter Selection

Our dashboard offers a variety of filters, and the caching behavior adapts as follows:

- Date Range Filter: If you select a date range filter, caching activates for up to 10 minutes. Modifying the date range within this period halts caching for the original selection. The new dataset is then retrieved, initiating a fresh 10-minute caching cycle.
- Other Filters: When you apply any filter other than the date range, caching is completely bypassed, ensuring you receive the most current data related to those specific filter criteria.

Can I Refresh My Data Manually Within The 10-Minutes Caching Timeframe?

As of now, there is no option for users to manually refresh data. This decision prioritizes streamlined performance, but we're open to revisiting this based on user experiences and feedback. Our goal is to adapt and evolve our platform to best meet the needs of our users.