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How can my employees without email address participate in the survey?

It may be that not all of your employees have an email address or even access to a computer at work. This article explains how easily such people can still take part in surveys with Honestly.

Honestly provides several opportunities to participate in different surveys. Even for employees without an email address, we offer the possibility of using individual, but anonymized codes or information to enable their participation in surveys.


How does this work exactly? 

1. Share a link with your employees:

Example: "company_name.honestly.com"

The language of the following view depends on the browser language of the participant. It can be created in our 41 profile languages:

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 14.58.24 (1)

If you want to see which languages are available, click on Menu > Profile > Language

ATTENTION: You must inform your Honestly Customer Success Manager which languages are used in your company. Although all 41 languages are generally available, they still need to be correctly translated and set for your company company_honestly.com page.

Please note:

- The use of "Code" here is for demonstration purposes only. It can easily be replaced by your own choice. 

- The information displayed here can be implemented in German and English.

The link can be opened from a smartphone, laptop or PC without the need to download an app.

A QR code for the link is usually also created by your Customer Success Manager. Please ask for it if you are interested.


2. Your employees log in with a previously generated combination of data. This does not require any effort on your part, as Honestly can also create predefined passwords for you. You can find details here.


3. After your employees have logged in, they can choose from the surveys that are available to them.

4. Afterwards, employees can participate in the respective survey as usual.


Alternatively, they can also participate in the survey via the app or on their mobile phone.

Screenshot 2020-11-04 at 16.27.03

If you are interested in this solution, please contact us. Your Honestly Team will gladly help you with its implementation.