How do I plan and set up monthly surveys?

This article guides you through the specific steps necessary to plan a monthly survey in your Honestly account. We particularly focus on the choice of the start date and the duration of the survey.

Accessing the Survey Planner

To plan your monthly survey, please first navigate to the "Surveys" sections. Choose an existing survey or create a new one. Then switch to the "Schedule" tab.

Setting the Repetition

In the "Schedule" tab, you will find the "Recurrence" option, where you can select "Monthly" as the interval. After this selection, options will be displayed to you to determine the exact day and time the survey should start each month.

Determination of Start and End Date

The monthly survey must be completed within the same month. After you have set the start day, determine the duration of the survey using the slider.

👉🏼 Automatic Adjustment of the End Date

Honestly ensures that the end date is automatically adjusted if the chosen duration of the survey extends beyond the end of the month. This ensures that the survey does not spill over into the following month.

Practical Example

Let's take the example of a survey that starts on the third Wednesday of each month and is supposed to last 12 days:

  • July 2024:
    • Start on Wednesday, July 17.
    • The survey runs until Monday, July 29.
  • August 2024:
    • Start on Wednesday, August 21. Normally, the survey would run until Monday, September 2. ⚡️
    • 🚨 However, our policy requires that the survey ends in the same month, the end date is automatically adjusted to Saturday, August 31.
  • September 2024:
    • Start on Wednesday, September 18.
    • The survey ends on Monday, September 30.


Through the automatic adjustment of the end date, Honestly ensures that your surveys always remain within the intended month. This function facilitates the management of regular surveys and ensures that the results are available in a timely manner.

If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact our customer support.