Here's all you need to know if there is a question in your survey which has served its purpose but now needs to go/needs to disappear for now
It may well be that you have been running the same survey for many months now and some questions are either no longer applicable or even necessary anymore. In this case it is important that you DO NOT DELETE the questions, as then all responses given to them will disappear too. Instead, please just follow this guide on how to hide the question.
First, go to the "Survey" section of your account and "Edit" the survey concerned:
Then, go to the "questions" part of the survey and click on the question you would like to archive from the list on the left.
Once the correct question is open, click on "Hide question" on the right side so the toggle turns green. You will notice that the question in the list on the left turns grey at the same time. This means that it is now invisible to those giving feedback and that only you can still see it (and all the associated feedback).
To make sure it has worked, you can use the "Preview" function. You will see that the survey now skips this question completely.
To show the question again, just click on the green toggle next to "Hide question" so it changes back to grey and the question will be visible again!